
Adds a new tray to the warehouse.


POST /stockTake/addTray


"zone": "Zone specified",
"bay": "Bay specified",
"tray": "Tray specified",
"contents": "What is in the tray",
"weight": "How much does it weigh",
"expiry": "When does it expire",
"xPos": "The x position of each tray in the bay, i.e. leftmost tray has xPos = 0",
"yPos": "The y position of each tray in the bay, i.e. topmost tray has yPos = 0"


zonestringThe zone in which the tray is
baystringThe bay in which the tray is
traystringThe tray to edit
contentsstringWhat is in the tray
weightintegerThe weight of the contents (give as a number in Kilos)
expirystringThe expiry date of the food
xPosintegerThe horizontal positional element of the tray within its bay
yPosintegerThe vertical positional element of the tray within its bay


OK if successful

FAIL if unsuccessful